The much awaited opening ceremony of Shri Bharathi Thirtha Veda Pathasala was celebrated with great pomp and splendor on the Sravana Suddha Sapthami -0n the 16th August 2010.
On the eve of the opening ceremony on the 15th
On the 16th morning the program started with prayers offered to Shri Bharathi Thirtha Mahaswamiji.The guru paduka pravesha was performed and the padukas were taken from the Shri Rajarajeshwara Temple(Harihara Kshetra) to the Pathasala premises amist vedic chantings.
The punyahavachana sankalpa was performed by veda Bramhashri Phani shashank Sharma and the MahaGanapathi Homa was perfomed .The purnahuti was offered amid vedic chantings by the Pathashala pundits.
The 108 Ambulance sevice to the lingannapet village and sourroundings was commissioned today.The services were commissioned by the local MLA Shri Rama Rao-Lingannapet.
The CEO of 108 Ambulance service Mr.Venkat Changavalli was present on the occasion to donate and offer the services to the public to coincide with patha sala inaguration
The Guru Paduka pooja was perfomed admist vedic hymns and chantings by veda Bhamhashri Phani Shashank Sharma.
The Mahamangalaharathi was offered with sevas from different sections .
Finally the Thirtha prasadam and Panchamritha was distributed among the participants who came in large numbers.
The Annadhana was performed immediatly after the completion of the pooja.
There was rousing reception and attendance of people who participated very eagarly in this grand function.
In the evening ,a sabha was held with participation and speeches from various sections of the people.The local MLA Mr.Rama Rao along with Mr.Purushottam MLA from Hyderabad,Shri Venkat Changavalli,CEO,108 Ambulance services,Shri.Sudhish Rambhatla,business Tycoon from Hyderabad. spoke on the occasion.
Plaques were offered to the Politicians as memento and they were honoured with Shawls
It was a great and grand occasion and acknowledgements were given to all the participants.
It is worthwile to mentions that Veda Bramhashri Gopi krishna Sharma and Veda Bhramashri Radha krishna Sharma have taken this great initiative in establishing this grand pathasala to give back to the society form what they have learnt in siddhipet patha sala, sringeri Pathasala which finally culminated in establishing an institution at thier Home village.
It is also worth while to thank and recognise the services of the following people.
1.Veda bhramshri J.viswanatha Sharma
2.Veda Bramhashri Sandeep Sharma
3.vedaBramhashri Rajesh Joshi
4.Veda Bramhashri Manish Joshi
5.Veda Bhramhashri G.Venkateshwara Sharma
6.Veda bhramhashri K.Sampath Kumara sharma
7. Sairavi krishna Sharma
8.R. Ravichandra Sharma
The above mentioned people jointly qualified with Shri Gopikrishna and Shri Radhakrishna at Siddipet and Sringeri.
With the coordinationand cooperation of the people mentioned above this great event happened and it was a great sight to watch the overwhelming reception.