
Friday, November 22, 2013

His Holiness Swami PariPoornananda scheduled to visit Lingannapet in December 2013

We take great pleasure to announce that Swami Paripoornananda of Sreepeetham is scheduled to visit Lingannapet on the 11th of December 2013 in order to commemorate the varshikothsava celebrations of the visit of the Jagadguru shri Bharathi Thirtha Mahaswamiji during the month of December in the year 2012

      Sadashivasamarambham shankaracharya Madhyamam.
      Asmad Acharya paryantam vande Guru Parmparam
       Bharathi karuna patram,Bharathi  kruta bhushanam
        Bharathi padamaroodam Bharathi Thirtha Mashreya

Lord Eshwara in his incarnation as Shankara Bhagawatpada ,established the sanathana dharma for they benefit of Humanity and mankind.
The great shankaracharya establish four Mutts in the various parts of india.
Dakshinamnaya Sharadha peetham is the foremost with uninterrupted Gurushishya parampara.
The present pointiff of Sringeri Shardha peetam visited Lingannapet on the 19th 20th and 21st of December 2012.A year has gone by .To commemorate the varshikotsava in Lingannapet is being celebrated for the Jagadgurus visit last year.
 The varshikotsava program will be held on the 11th december 2013. His holiness swami paripoornananda will grace the occasion .


The program details on the 11th December 2013 is as follows

1. 9.00 AM jagadguru Shri Bharathi Thirtha Swamiji pakuka procession at Lingannapet

2. 10.AM Paduka pooja
His Holiness Swami Paripoornananda will adress the audience with Anugraha bhasanam.
Kindly bring your familay and frienda and participate in the occasion.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Paduka poja celebrations at Kamareddy

The Guru Paduka pooja celebrations was performed at kamareddy on the Mrigashira date in the month of May.a huge gathering particiapated towitness the program and recieve the blessings of His Holiness Shri Bharathi Thirtha Swamiji.

The program was performed in the evening in the ganapathy temple at kamareddy.
Here we see one of the organisers carrying the padukas to the sancum sanctoram for performing the pooja.

A large crowd had gathered to participate in the function.

The mahamangalaharathi was performed and prasadam distributed to the entire partipants who participated in the function.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Guru paduka Puja at Lingannapet

The Jagadguru Bharathi Thirtha Swamiji Paduka program was observed on the Mrugashira Nakshatra day in the month of palguni sukla paksha.This event was celebrated by the students of the Bharathi Thirtha Veda Pathashala amid vedic chantings and hymns.The panchamritha abhisheka was performed along with Rudram chantings.The Mangalaharathi was perfomed  with prasadam distribution to the devotees present on the occasion.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Mahashivarathi celebrations at Lingannapet

Shri Rajarajeshwara swamy  Shrine

The Mahashivarathri celebrations stated at Lingannapet at Shri Harirhara Kshetram.The maharudra parayanam with Maharudra Abhishekam  commenced on the 7th March 2013 with 22 Ritviks participating in the parayanam.
Ritviks participating in the Maha Rudra parayana

The Maharudra parayanam will conclude  on the 10th March 2013.The Maharudra Homam will be performed on the 11 th march 2013
Maha rudram in Progess

Pancha amrutha abhishekam being performed

Maha rudra Homam in progress

fully decorated on shivarathri

Maha rudra homam purnahuthi

In the Morning the program starts with Guru Prathana and  Mahanyasam chantings .Later on the Maharudram chanting is offered till the afterrnoon and concludes with deeparardhana and  Mangalaharathi.
 In the evening from the 7th till 9th March 2013, The Rudra krama archana with Rudra Thishati puja will be performed followed by.Prasadam distribution  to all the devotees, after the Mangalaharathi.

Lord venkateshwara swamy tulasi archana

 The Koti Tulasi Archana was also performed to the  Lord Shri Venkateshwara swamy along with  shivarathri celebrations