On the Mrughashira star date the monthly padapuja program to Jagadguru Shri Bharathi Thirtha Swamiji was celebrated at Lingannapet on the 17th january 2011.Amid vedic chants the Rudra abhishekham was performed to the padukas.
In the morning the padukas were taken around the temple after chanting the prayers to the Jagadgurus.
There was good participation from the local village who eagarly participated in the program.
The unique feature of this program was the vedic chanting was done by the students of the Bharathi Thirtha veda pathasala .
The maha mangalaharathi was performed and prasadams were distributed to the crowd that participated in the function.
In the morning the padukas were taken around the temple after chanting the prayers to the Jagadgurus.
There was good participation from the local village who eagarly participated in the program.
The unique feature of this program was the vedic chanting was done by the students of the Bharathi Thirtha veda pathasala .
The maha mangalaharathi was performed and prasadams were distributed to the crowd that participated in the function.