The Guru Paduka pooja celebrations was performed at kamareddy on the Mrigashira date in the month of May.a huge gathering particiapated towitness the program and recieve the blessings of His Holiness Shri Bharathi Thirtha Swamiji.
The program was performed in the evening in the ganapathy temple at kamareddy.
Here we see one of the organisers carrying the padukas to the sancum sanctoram for performing the pooja.
A large crowd had gathered to participate in the function.
The mahamangalaharathi was performed and prasadam distributed to the entire partipants who participated in the function.
Here we see one of the organisers carrying the padukas to the sancum sanctoram for performing the pooja.
A large crowd had gathered to participate in the function.
The mahamangalaharathi was performed and prasadam distributed to the entire partipants who participated in the function.