
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Sahasra Linga Abhishekam and archana at Vemulavada from 3rd aug 2014

 The shatachandi maharudra and  Sahasra linga archana was performed in Vemulavada from  3rd august till 7th august 2014.
with the blessings of Jagadguru Shri Bharathi Thirtha mahaswamigaru of sringeri sharadha peetham  and with the presence of shri pari poornanda swamiji of Shrii peetham, the shatachandi Mahayagna , maha rudra and Sahasra lingan archana was performed at vemulavada in accordance witht he vedic traditions and keeping in view the propogation and promotion of Hindu Tradition and Dharma..

On 3rd august 2014 m the gopuja, ganapathi pooja and punyahavachanam with ankurarpanam was perfomed .naandhi and akanda deeparardhana along with Rutvik varnam was peformed.The shata chandi manhasankalpam was observed.Chandi parayanam was also stated today.
In the evening the navakshari japam, mahamangalaharaathi mantrapushpam was performed  and tirtha prasadam was distributed to all the devotees.

on 4th august 2014, the ganapathi puja was perfomed.maharudra mahanyasa ,poorvaka yaga sankalpam was performed. Rudraabhishekam ,chandiparayanam was performed.In the evening the rudrakramarchana,lakshadeeparchana , navakshari japam and mahamangalaharathi , mantra pushpam was performed,. Tirtha prasadam was distributed to all the devotees present.

on the 5th august 2014,the ganapathi puja , mahanyasa poorvaka , rudra abhishekam , chandi parayanam,was performed.In the evening rudra kramarchana, laksha tulasi archana,navakshari japam with mahamangalahaarathi , mantrapushpam was performed,tirtha prasdam was distributed to all the devotees present.

on the 6th august 2014 ,the ganapathi puja , mahanyasa poorvaka , rudra abhishekam , chandi parayanam,was performed.In the evening rudra kramarchana, laksha kunkuma archana,navakshari japam with mahamangalahaarathi , mantrapushpam was performed,tirtha prasdam was distributed to all the devotees present.

on the 7th august 2014, the ganapathi puja , mahanyasa poorvaka , rudra abhishekam, maha rudra shata chandi yaga prarambham will be performed. At 11 am the paduka pooja to his Holiness bharathiThirtha will be performed. At 12 pm Shri paripoornanada swami ,Dwi shasra Avadhani, Margula Nagapani sharma
will perform the poornahuti of maha rudra shata chandi homam.
In the evening Mahamangala harathi,mahanyasa poorvaka ,Laksha linga archana , mantra pushapam , chaturveda seva will pe perfomed.
Sri Sri paripoornanda will deliver the anugraha bhasanam to the public in the evening.
tirtha prasadam will be distibuted to all the devotees present.

The vaidika Nirvahanam is organised by Vyasajula Radha krishna sharma of Bharathi Thirtha Veda  Pathasahala of Lingannapet.
The yagana is organised by Sirigiri Ramesh of Bhuvaneshwari mahacity, vemulavada